Part 68: Prep: Lady Eremiah
Update 38: Lady Eremiah (Prep)And were back. Hardin is dead, and Archanea is no longer at war. Sadly theres a crazy cult running around trying to resurrect the final boss from the last game. So our work is far from done. First off, lets finish the games final gaiden chapter and put a stop to those obnoxious assassins. Lets raid us an orphanage.

This part of the game is actually pretty damn dark. Eremiah has basically been torturing and brainwashing children down here, and those are the enemies weve been fighting in the bonus chapters, its not pleasant.

If Katarina is dead, Steve instead somehow knows where the secret entrance is, and Marth gets a few lines instead.

Here we go. This is going to be a quick update because theres not even really a point in looking at the map. This is FE12s second and final Fog Of War map. Thankfully, they do show you where Eremiah is (That top left corner).

Planned team here. No Barst or Catria because theyre close to the level cap and I want to let some other people catch up. This is a quick one. Its fitting to take Katarina here...but this is a bad map to be a squishy character on. She does have some special dialogue, but Ill be transcribing it anyway.
Also Steves inventory is empty because we lost all the orbs.

Glad I caught that.

(This is really bad, I show it later)

Heres Cecilles Sword, its pretty terrible for this late in the game. Decent if youve just class swapped someone to a Sword class and their rank is awful, but for now? Ditch it.
We still havent seen my favorite named item and Im going to be so sad if we never get it.

Sheema Resigns

I love that our first priority upon infiltrating the torture orphanage is to ESTABLISH THE LOUNGE.

No, that was...the entirety of Chapter 17.

And she was never seen again.

Weve already covered Steves Cooking Adventure in a bonus support update, I wont show the whole thing again.

wrys that was like a year ago

Well, I mean, there are a ton of Bishops, gotta put them somewhere.

Wrys is pretty much reverse-Eremiah.


All will be judged by his blinding forehead.
Jagen in an Orphanage

Thanks for the pep talk.

Selling the Bullion from last map and all our remaining Master Seals made me quite a bit of money. I immediately blew some of it on our struggling characters.

Sheemas speed issue is starting to get alleviated a bit.

Sadly, Sirius will never outdo Luke or Steve. Thats a solid level, though.
Next time, the fog of war returns, and the puppetmistress becomes the...uh...puppeted? I guess? Something along those lines.